Local YMCA leads state with food program

Hopkins County Family YMCA is a leader in both the state and the across the country in addressing feeding issues, said retired CEO and consultant Ed Wallace.

During a Webinar Monday, Wallace and national YMCA leaders talked with YMCA directors from Kentucky and West Virginia about the importance of food programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last week, the local YMCA served 8,700 meals across the county — 2,500 at the YMCA and 6,200 in partnership with the Hopkins County School System, said current CEO Chad Hart.


Brandon Buchanan (2020, April 22) Local YMCA Leads State with Food Program. Retrieved from: https://www.the-messenger.com/news/local/article_6e020eb9-d75c-5bae-8b25-86422bab5dd3.html